Should You Consider Working With a Student Loan Lawyer?
Student Loan Lawyer / 0 Comments /If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your student loan debt and struggling to get it under control, you should know that you have options. There are several situations in which you may benefit by hiring an attorney specializing in student loans. If you find yourself answering, “Yes” to any of the following questions, contact our office to see how a student loan lawyer may be able to help you.
Do you have multiple loans?
If you have several private loans, it can become burdensome to manage them all. As experts in the field, our attorneys can review your loans and determine whether a loan consolidation is right for you.
Are you in the midst of an economic hardship?
If you are struggling to repay your loans due to an economic hardship, loan deferment or loan forbearance may be viable options for you. If your situation meets the criteria to be classified as an economic hardship, our student loan lawyers will work to enable you to cease making payments for a set period of time.
Are you concerned by your collector’s behavior?
When it comes to interacting with a debt collector, there are laws in place to ensure that your rights are protected. If you believe your loan holder is improperly reporting your debt to credit reporting agencies or disregarding federal and Pennsylvania debt collection laws, we can review your situation and determine what potential actions may benefit you.
Have you tried to negotiate with your loan holder?
Our attorneys are skilled at negotiation and work on your behalf with your loan holder to try and get a payment plan that is more manageable for you. When negotiations are successful, the amount of money you owe, both principal and interest can be reduced.
Has your loan holder filed suit against you?
This one may seem obvious, but it’s important to mention that if a student loan company files a suit against you, it’s critical to hire an attorney who specializes in student loans. The laws regarding both private and federal student loans are complex; hiring an attorney with expertise in this area can help in reaching a favorable outcome.
If you’re struggling with your student loans or in one of the situations listed above, give our office a call at (215) 307-3939 or contact us here.

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