Get Help with Student Loan Debt

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Philadelphia Student Loan Lawyer

The Law Office of Jeffrey B. First, a top Philadelphia student loan lawyer, provides legal services to those individuals struggling with legal and financial problems related to student loans.

My assistance to those with student loan problems can take many forms.  I work with borrowers who have both federal and private student loans.  I counsel individuals about the various programs available to obtain relief from your student loan financial difficulties; negotiate to obtain settlements of student loan debt; and litigate against debt collectors or represent you in litigation brought against you.

With all my clients, I strive to provide cost effective representation designed to get practical results.  I explain the various potential courses of action to you in a way that serves to make it easier for you to understand the options available to you. I believe strongly that the client should be in the driver’s seat.  I want the client to make the crucial decisions as to how the process will unfold.

If you need insight or assistance, or have any questions about your student loan situation, simply fill out the contact form on the contact page for help with your student loan today!
