Get Help with Student Loan Debt

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Have you been sued by a lender of your student loans?


In the event that you have been sued, you’ll need to keep these strategies in mind:

  • Raise defenses. Raising a defense will often times result in the collector dropping the case. It’s much more productive to respond to the lawsuit against you than starting your own at a later time.
  • Analyze your case and what could potentially happen if the judgment is against you.
  • If you are in the military, understand your special rights.

Some common defenses for student loan collection lawsuits include:

  • If it is a private student loan, that the creditor has waited too long to sue you.
  • That the creditor is collecting more than you agreed to pay.
  • That the debt is not owed or that you are current on your payments.

Have you been sued by a student loan lender? Call Jeff First today for a consultation to analyze your options.