
Can A Lawyer Help With Student Loans?
Student Loan Lawyer / 0 Comments /Nobody enjoys seeing that student loan check leave their bank account each month, but for some, student loan debt is more than an inconvenience—it’s a huge burden. In situations like that, it could be very worth your time to look into how a lawyer can help with student loans.
Every person is different, and every loan comes with unique circumstances, but here are a few situations where you might be asking yourself: can a lawyer help with student loans?
When Can A Lawyer Help With Student Loans?
- When You Don’t Know What to Do Next. Possibly the most difficult part of navigating student loans is evaluating the options you’ve been given—it’s possible you’re not even sure what your options are! That’s normal. A lawyer can decode complex loan language and legalese and ensure you have enough information to decide which path is best for you.
- When You Have a Private Student Loan. Private student loans vary by state, so the terms and nuances are different for each. A licensed Philadelphia student loan lawyer should be able to help you with any student loans in PA.
- When You Enter Default. Entering default could mean that the federal government could start garnishing your wages or withholding tax refunds until your debt is paid. In this case, it’s important to know your rights. Debt collectors are not legally permitted to harass you or make false statements to you—speak to a lawyer right away if this occurs.
- When You’re Eligible for Disability Discharge. There may be an opportunity for complete student loan forgiveness if you are facing permanent disability and are unable to work. This is called Total and Permanent Disability Discharge (TPD). A lawyer can help you submit the necessary documentation to apply for this and other loan forgiveness programs.
- When You’re Suing Loan-Related Institutions. If you suspect your school, loan provider or related agency is violating a legal policy in terms of your loan, it’s best to speak with a lawyer immediately to determine the best course of action. Be sure to keep records of any communication between you and the loan agency.
If you’re not sure whether or not a lawyer can help with your student loan concerns, remember that a consultation in our office is always free. You can contact a student loan lawyer here anytime, or call (215) 307-3939.

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